The Inspiration
Summer 2023

Walk the Room
August 2023
Savoring the Last of Summer
and Welcoming a New Season with a Breath of Inspiring Content
As summer is drawing to a close and we get ready to welcome the autumn we have curated a delightful selection of inspiration. Get ready to immerse yourself in a district under complete transformation, explore an architectural gem and how the geometry of the building guided the development of all content, and our 4 E's of Excellent Animations.
Haga Norra
We kick off with an in-depth look at a groundbreaking urban development project
that is set to transform the cityscape.

Haga Norra, nestled between one of Sweden's most beautiful parks Hagaparken and Arenastaden, is rapidly taking shape and what was once a vast space of nothing, is now abuzz with energy, and some of Stockholm's most interesting projects.
Fabege and subsidiary Birger Bostad, is the proud owner of 8 blocks in the district, started our work focusing on the public areas, Mathildatorget and the office buildings.

The area aims to imbue the area with an authentic continental atmosphere while adhering to the UN's sustainable development goals. Key sustainability features include geothermal heating, solar cells, and the use of recycled bricks.

The next step was to illustrate Manor House and the restaurant offering in the area.

To mark the latest milestone, we collaborated with Birger Bostad, to initiate the sale of apartments, including the launch of an apartment selector to facilitate the process.

In essence, Haga Norra presents a thoughtfully curated blend of cafes, restaurants, offices, and residences, with a strong emphasis on creating inclusive spaces where people can come together and enjoy their time, regardless of whether they live, work, or are simply visiting the area.

Client: Fabege

Architect: BAU


Next up is the Danish Architectural Gem now called Public. In the heart of the Ørestad region, close to the freeway, public transport, Copenhagen Airport and city center, lies Public.

The refurbishment, undertaken by Genesta, aimed to make use of the location and make it more accessible, while employing sustainable practices such as using recycled materials and establishing solar cells.

When we were asked to work on Public we were immediately struck by the geometric facade. To honor the architecture we let the lines guide each perspective, resulting in a striking expression, consistent throughout the imagery.
The ground floor Public Garden celebrates an internal garden area within the atrium space, seamlessly connecting to the courtyard. It features a beautifully designed environment, where the boundaries between external and internal areas are blurred, creating a strong connection to nature that permeates throughout the ground floor and the surrounding floors above the atrium.

In the safe hands of the architect the interior was reinvented for modern needs, including elegant reinterpretation of the building's original material palette. The concept and plans bring Public a timeless quality of quiet luxury, appealing to an international quality.

Client: Genesta

Architect: Clementswestfall

Interior Architect: Josephine Malling

Elevate Your Content: Exploring the 4 E's of Excellent Animations
In the fast-paced digital landscape,
where attention spans are fleeting, captivating and engaging content is key.

One highly effective way to grab your audience's attention and leave a lasting impression is through excellent animations.

Entice - Creating Excitement

To capture your audience's attention, it is crucial to entice them right from the start. Leverage the fear of missing out on what's next to pique curiosity.

Enchant - Building Emotional Connections

Animations have the power to enchant. Tap into people's desire for beauty and use animations to help them envision their dreams.

Entertain - Adding a Relational Dialogue

Entertainment plays a vital role in keeping your audience engaged and transition to a more relatable stage. Scenes that are simply fun to watch are great conversation starters.
She has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards, and the Mercury Prize

Educate - Simplify and Appeal

Ensuring your animation serves as a valuable source of information by simplifying complex information and presenting it in the most pedagogical manner possible using a clear message enhanced by infographics infographics where needed.

By embracing the 4 E's of Excellent Animations, Entice, Enchant, Entertain, and Educate -
you can elevate your content to new heights.
Get in touch
Reach out if you'd like to learn more about what we can do for you. We'd love to discuss your project in detail!
Email us:
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