The Inspiration
Fall 2023

Walk the Room
November 2023
Preserving the Past & Shaping the Future: Historic Building Retrofits
Approximately 80% of buildings in cities today will still exist in 2050. Staggering numbers, especially when considering the research findings on the need for retrofitting buildings published by JLL a year ago. In short, the findings indicate that the rate of retrofits needs to triple in speed if we are to meet the 2050 decarbonization targets outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement. Simply put, there's work to do!

In this edition, we have selected some of our most challenging refurbishment and retrofit projects to inspire your next endeavour, namely those involving historic buildings! Read on for a dose of eye candy, garnished with tidbits on how we put modelling experts, AI, and our very own Michelangelo to work!
Victoria House
Built in the 1920s, Victoria House proudly stands on beautiful Bloomsbury Square. With a rich history as the birthplace of genetic science and ecology, this location has been home to numerous pioneering institutions. It offers a unique environment for individuals to learn, network, and commercialize science.

To ensure that the laboratory facilities are not only functional but also inspirational for a discerning audience, we collaborated closely with our clients, J2, Pioneer Group, Oxford Properties and PhD students, on everything from the floor plan to the placement of various tools and items.
Featuring original wood-panelled interiors, The Long Room is one of the most impressive meeting rooms. To efficiently create a visualization of the room, we decided not to invest time in modelling all the details. Instead, we used a photo and enhanced it with AI, meticulously matching all the people into the image with the utmost attention to detail.
Continuing the legacy, Victoria House will house leading Life Sciences organizations, from early-stage to growth, and multinational pharmaceutical companies.

It was our great pleasure to collaborate with J2, Oxford Properties and Pioneer Group.

United Spaces

In Uppsala, United Spaces offers coworking in what was previously the Town Hall. Transforming this iconic space into a dynamic coworking environment while preserving its intricate details was no small feat and our client United Spaces, with the help of Murman Arkitekter did a fantastic job. As part of the project, we were happy to challenge ourselves in how best to represent this spectacular ceiling. It required extensive modelling, and we took great care to ensure that the modern workspace seamlessly melded with the timeless charm of this historic building.

Tomteboda Wintergarden

Beyond the lack of accurate 3D models, historical buildings often require integrating art installations or decorative elements. In the case of Tomtebodas Wintergarden, capturing the statues using photogrammetry, allowed us to be flexible in terms of what perspectives we could offer. Autodesk defines photogrammetry as the art and science of extracting 3D information from photographs, and we couldn't agree more. While the software available today are great tools, it requires skill and patience to achieve a quality that matches that of the room and furniture. Thank you JLL, Obligo Group and BAU Arkitekter for a great project!


Another example of artistic elements requiring a completely different approach was Posthuset. During the restoration of the property, we had the great honor of creating visualizations, which relied in no small part on our ability to reproduce its exquisite frescoes. Not only did it allow our client to make use of the unique environment in their advertising, but it also earned Misha a new nickname – 'Mishaelangeolo' – as he hand-painted all the frescoes. Thank you, Misha, and, of course, 7A.

Located at Slottsbacken, Pegasus was originally constructed in 1684 and has undergone multiple renovations in the 20th century. The technical conditions in the building were surprisingly good, with ceiling height, natural light, and efficiency on par with newly constructed office spaces. Folksam took a comprehensive approach to the renovation, including technical installations and courtyard design. Folksam, and JLL, it was our great pleasure to imbue the courtyard and other spaces with a serene and welcoming atmosphere, making the most of the natural light.

In the world of challenging projects, the name of the game is flexibility. In our experience, no two projects are the same which is why we have created a process where we create the set-up entirely based on the needs of the client and stakeholder group. We're excited to continue crafting tailored solutions and delivering exceptional results. Don't hesitate to contact us for a discussion about your next project!
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